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Registration - Important! Kawu Company deals only with wholesale sellers and buyers.
All records marked with * are required.

E-mail - user mame *:

Password *:
Repeat password *:

TAX code *:
Company name *:

Country *:
City/Town *:

Post code *:
Street *:

House number *:
Flat number:

Telephone *: (required for Parcel service)

Contact person

Name *:
Surname *:

Telephone *

Important! we require to receive your comapny valid VAT-CODE to finish registration of your account. Please send it by email to, after we verify your data the account will be activated.
Define other delivery address

Name *:
Surname *:

Company name:
Country *:

City/Town *:
Post code *:

Street *:
House number *:

Flat number:


I confirm that I know that Kawu Company does not deal with retail business.

I hereby expressly agree and consent to the processing of all my personal data contained in the registration form. (according to Privacy and Data Protection Law of 29.08.1997, DZ.U. No. 133 pos. 883)

I confirm that I accept Terms & Conditions of online store Kawu

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